Another Dante’s Inferno Live Dev Chat — TODAY! Explore the Sights and Sounds of the Inferno

It’s Wednesday so that means it’s time for another LIVE video series featuring members of the Dante’s Inferno video game development team. On tap for today: “The Sights and Sounds of the Inferno,” a developer discussion about bringing the game’s audio and design elements to life.
The details are as follows:
What: Dante’s Inferno Live Video Stream – Week Two
Who: Art Director Ash Huang and Audio Director Paul Gorman
When: Wednesday, Dec 16th @ 4pm EST / 1pm PST
Where: Either at the game’s official site or via an embeddable player below, right here!
Topics of discussion will include the inspiration and process in visually designing each circle of Hell, the role of audio as a storytelling device and a game mechanic, and the scoring and voice acting in Dante’s Inferno. JOIN IN!
Gamers will get to go to hell in North America beginning February 9, 2010, and in Europe on February 12, 2010, for the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360, and the PlayStation PSP.
For more information on Dante’s Inferno, follow the team at Visceral Games on Twitter at @danteteam and on Facebook, or visit the game’s official site, where the team explores a new circle of hell, with new content and updates, on the ninth day of every month.
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