True Blood Adds Yet Another Recurring Character for Season Three

And the powers-that-be behind HBO’s popular series True Blood still aren’t done filling out the character roster for Season Three. Today another new female was added, one named Crystal Norris, who shares an “electric connection” with Jason Stackhouse (Ryan Kwanten).
According to The Hollywood Reporter Crystal, a beautiful “barefoot, sundress-wearing woman”, will be portrayed by Lindsay Pulsipher, whom genre buffs will likely recognize from the Masters of Horror episode “The Fair Haired Child”. Most recently she’s been in A&E’s The Beast.
In the Charlaine Harris books on which True Blood is based, Crystal is a full-blooded werepanther who is first introduced in the fourth novel and reappears throughout the storyline up until the ninth book, Dead and Gone. We’ll see how much showrunner Alan Ball deviates from that formula come June, 2010, when the third season premieres.
And there are still several additional characters yet to be cast so stay tuned for more as it comes.
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