Writer/Director Billy Lewis Explores The Terrible Two


Writer/director Billy Lewis is tackling a seriously dark and depressing subject with his upcoming flick The Terrible Two. The story explores how a couple deal with the passing of their two daughters. To make matters worse for these grieving parents, apparently there’s a secret dwelling in the attic of their home the previous owner didn’t tell them about. Gotta hate it when that happens.

Albert and Rose Poe are approaching the one-year anniversary of deaths of their two daughters. Rose continues to struggle to come to grips with the loss of her girls. Albert not so much. As the anniversary comes and goes, things begin to get darker and darker in the Poe house… a house that once was filled with so much joy and hope. Rose discovers an old manuscript in the attic that reveals things about the previous owner of the house that wasn’t revealed to the Poe’s when they purchased the house. Addi and Jade never wanted to die that day so that begs to answer the question: Where do little girls go when they die?

A pair of pics and the first trailer for The Terrible Two reside below.

Terrible Two Image 1

Terrible Two Image 2

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fij7eV16lCU&w=640&h=360]

