UK Trailer for The Pack Bares Its Teeth

It’s all fur and fangs when an unsuspecting family comes under attack from a pack of wild dogs in the conveniently titled The Pack, which is set to stalk UK DVD on March 7 courtesy of Arrow Films. In preparation for the release, check out the UK trailer and artwork right here!
The Pack (review) is directed by Nick Robertson and stars Anna Lise Phillips, Jack Campbell, and Katie Moore alongside a whole bunch of four-legged furry friends.
On a remote farm in Southern Australia, hardened farmer Adam Wilson discovers the last of his livestock have been mauled to death by a pack of wild dogs. His dreams of keeping the family business going are shattered, but nothing can prepare him for what will happen next. As night falls, the feral pack of dogs begin to circle the farmhouse. With a taste for fresh blood, they launch their attack, stopping at nothing to get inside the house. Will Adam and his family make it out alive? Or will they fall victim to… THE PACK!