MTV Looking to Bring Back the Dead in Dawn of the Dead: The Series?

This is the true story … of seven strangers… picked to live in a mall … work together and have their lives threatened … to find out what happens … when the people they kill stop being polite … and get up and kill …
According to Bloody Disgusting MTV is in talks for the rights to turn George A. Romero’s classic Dawn of the Dead into a TV series. You may have to go back and reread that last sentence a couple of times just so it can sink in. Go ahead. We’ll wait.
Ready? No? It’s okay, we understand.
You good? Alrighty then! No other news is available at this time, and until we hear differently, let’s just file this one away in the old rumor cabinet and pray that this is all just one big foul nightmare. You know, like when the arms shot through the wall at Sarah in Day.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go outside and pummel a random tree with a baseball bat. Thanks for reading.

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