Cherry Falls Comes to Blu-ray

Around here we dug the slasher flick Cherry Falls even though it, like its victims, was eviscerated by the censor boards. Yep, a lot of gore was cut for its original release, and even though Scream Factory is bringing it to Blu-ray, the gore remains absent. Sadly, the excised footage is just plain unavailable.
From the Press Release:
Lose your innocence… or lose your life. On March 29, 2016, Scream Factory presents teen thriller Cherry Falls in its Blu-ray debut packed with new extras including audio commentary with Geoffrey Wright and interviews with writer/co-executive producer Ken Selden and producer Marshall Persinger.
A serial killer is stalking the peaceful town of Cherry Falls. At first it seems that he is just targeting teenagers, but after the third killing it becomes clear that all the victims have been virgins. When the town’s students hear about this, they realize that there is only one way to protect themselves and begin planning a “Pop Your Cherry” party where they will all lose their virginities together. Meanwhile, Jodi (Brittany Murphy; Clueless, Sin City), the virtuous daughter of the town’s sheriff (Michael Biehn; Aliens, Grindhouse), decides to take matters into her own hands and trap the killer herself.
This chiller is directed by Geoffrey Wright (Romper Stomper) and co-stars Jay Mohr (Hereafter, Jerry McGuire), Gabriel Mann (The Bourne Supremacy), and Candy Clark (The Blob, Amityville 3-D).
Special Features:
- NEW Audio Commentary with director Geoffrey Wright
- NEW Lose it or Die: The Untold Story of Cherry Falls – interviews with writer and co-executive producer Ken Selden and producer Marshall Persinger
- NEW Cherry Falls Deputy Mina – an interview with Amanda Anka
- Vintage Interviews with Brittany Murphy, Michael Biehn, Jay Mohr, and director Geoffrey Wright
- Behind-the-Scenes Footage
- Original Script (BD-Rom)
- Theatrical Trailer