Strangeland II: Disciple Casting and Synopsis

My God! It’s really happening! Not only has an official synopsis appeared online but the first bit of casting news has come as well! Captain Howdy is pleased!
The goodies appeared today over at Screentest.Biz, which not only gives you a glimpse at the casting process but also reveals that Robert Englund will be joining Snyder in the film! Strangeland II: Disciple begins lensing May 21st in Louisiana!
“One year after Carleton Hendricks aka Captain Howdy’s (Dee Snider) sadistic rampage, much more than the physical scars the schizophrenic, sexual sadist gave his victims are left behind. Their lives, destroyed by emotional torment and the media frenzy surrounding the crimes, Detective Mike Gage, his daughter Geneveve and vigilante Jackson Roth (Robert Englund) each have their crosses to bear. But when the badly burned and mentally broken Carlton Hendricks is taken from a state run mental hospital and off his medication by billionaire, media mogul, Morgan LaForce, leader of the body modification/fetish haven called “The Torture Garden”, the door swings wide open for each of Captain Howdy’s victims to find closure… and retribution.”
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