Get a Sneak Peek of Dark Souls Issue #1

Toward the end of January, David G. gave us a heads-up that Titan Comics has an official Dark Souls comic on the way, which is set in the world of the best-selling Namco Bandai/FromSoftware video game series.
Today we have a sneak peek at the first page of artwork from artist Alan Quah (Godzilla, Orphan Black). The series is being written by best-selling author George Mann (Doctor Who).
Dark Souls Issue #1 will hit stores April 6th.
Welcome to the world of Dark Souls, a landscape bathed in arcane fantasy, where primordial forces govern the tides of time, bonfires flicker in the darkness, and the undead stalk the earth in search of impossible redemption. From Titan Comics and Doctor Who scribe George Mann, comes this original tale of adventure and visceral horror that throws readers deep into the twisted myth of the award-winning video-game franchise.