Hammer Films Icons of Suspense Coming to DVD

On April 6th Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is dropping six little seen classics from Hammer Films onto DVD as part of the The Icons of Suspense Collection, and you can help dress this digital body for its own funeral!
From the Press Release
“On April 6th Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) opens the doors to the Hammer vault with the release of six films making their DVD debuts in The Icons of Suspense Collection Presents Hammer Films. Hammer Films made their name with monsters and vampires, but this third compilation from SPHE proves they could frighten the public without them. Topping the set is the uncut version of the futuristic classic These Are The Damned (aka The Damned, 1963), directed by the legendary Joseph Loseygr. Peter Cushing and Andre Morell match wits in Cash on Demand (1961). Oscar®-winning cinematographer Guy Green directed The Snorkel (1958), about a young girl who can’t convince anyone her stepfather is a murderer. The renowned Val Guest directed the startling psychodrama Stop Me Before I Kill! (aka The Full Treatment, 1960). Kerwin Matthews finds himself in the middle of a strange mother/daughter threesome in the Jimmy Sangster-written Maniac (1963). Plus, this ultimate rarity: Cyril Frankel’s astounding Never Take Candy from a Stranger (aka Never Take Sweets from a Stranger, 1960), a serious, and still horrifyingly timely, chiller about a small town terrorized by an elderly child molester. You won’t do better than this impeccable collection from the darkest corners of the Hammer imagination, which will be available for $24.96 SRP.”
Even cooler? YOU are gonna help pick the final artwork! Beginning January 15, fans have the rare opportunity to vote on the final box art from a selection of three different versions for The Icons of Suspense Collection Presents Hammer Films. The contest runs on Columbia-Classics.com from 1/15/10 to 1/26/10. Check out the possible covers below and get to voting NOW!

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