Attention Artists: Ghostbusters Doc Cleanin’ Up the Town Launches Fan Art Competition

We’re really hyped for the upcoming documentary Cleanin’ Up the Town: Remembering Ghostbusters, but it still needs quite a lot of support on Kickstarter. It’s just launched a new fan art competition, so if you have an artistic side, then step right up.
About the Project:
Fans of Ghostbusters are being offered the unique opportunity to add their own contribution to the film’s phenomenal popularity. The UK filmmakers behind the CLEANIN’ UP THE TOWN: Remembering Ghostbusters documentary, Anthony and Claire Bueno, are calling out to them to apply their creative talents to take part in a fan art competition with the winning designs being used in the film’s promotional campaign. The feature-length film chronicles the enduring popularity of two of the biggest Hollywood blockbusters: Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II.
As the CLEANIN’ UP THE TOWN: Remembering Ghostbusters Kickstarter campaign runs into its third week, the producers plan to include the fans further by offering them the opportunity to have their own fan art complement their current official promotional materials. Fans are being encouraged by the filmmakers to help raise funds and keep momentum by creating their own fan banner art/poster and so become a part of the documentary’s legacy! Producer Claire Bueno reminds us, “Creating makes us feel good!” Everyone who submits art is encouraged to share the link through social media and help increase awareness of the film.
The competition is open to all CLEANIN’ UP THE TOWN: Remembering Ghostbusters Kickstarter backers. Contestants must include the CLEANIN’ UP THE TOWN: Remembering Ghostbusters logo created by Anthony Zart, and that’s it! Be creative, and use your tools and your talent!
Email your image to [email protected] confirming your Kickstarter backer name by the 31st of March 2016. You must agree to your backer name being published on the Bueno Productions Ltd website and across social networking platforms. Everyone who takes part is also encouraged to spread the word through Facebook and Twitter.
Once we’ve received your image, your image it will be posted on the website and across social network platforms. Your image will then be put to a public vote, and the winning image will go on a CLEANIN’ UP THE TOWN: Remembering Ghostbusters postcard* accompanying the Blu-ray/DVD and will be included in the Blu-ray DVD making-of booklet.
All images submitted will be added as part of the Blu-ray/DVD bonus features.
Voting – Public voting closes 30th April.
Winner – The winner will be announced 6th May.
* The printing of the winning art fan work on the postcard and making-of booklet is subject to the campaign meeting its target, enabling producers to complete documentary.