Smith Thinks Work Sucks

I really don’t know why we keep failing to mention Christopher Smith’s horror/comedy Severance, his follow-up to the underground thriller Creep (review), but that’s what happens when you’ve only got one full-time guy banging out the news. Shit slips through the cracks.
Judging by the trailer and the few reviews I’ve seen, however, “shit” may not be the best way to describe Severance; in fact it looks like a damn funny film. The premise has to do with a group of employees who are shipped off to a remote area of the woods for team-building exercises. While spending the weekend with your co-workers is likely more than enough horror for most, things get downright bloody when a deadly enemy makes his way to the camp and starts hacking off limbs. Nice.
The trailer has a very Shaun of the Dead feel to it, which is never a bad thing, and I gotta say I’m intrigued to see where Smith goes with it, especially after his deadly serious debut film. Check out Severance’s official site right here to see said trailer, and be sure to set some time aside to play the game; it’s a bloody blast!
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