Gross Out Trailer for Bad Blood: The Movie

Premiering this year at the Chattanooga Film Festival, which runs from March 31 – April 3, the trailer for Bad Blood: The Movie is icky as hell, even by our standards. But I guess now we know never to mistake symptoms of a horrific disease for symptoms of drug abuse, or the victim may turn into a monster and slaughter us all.
We really dug director James Sizemore’s previous film, The Demon’s Rook, so we can’t wait for this. If you want to know more, then check out the film’s Facebook profile ahead of its release.
After a horrific amphibian attack leaves college student Victoria Miller (Mary Malloy) infected with a mutational disease, she returns home where the antidote to her affliction is mistaken for drugs by her evil stepfather. Locked in her room without her medicine, she transforms into a hideous monster to give everyone a taste of their own, while an obsessive private investigator uncovers the dark truth about her condition.