FANT Bilbao Fantasy Film Festival Unveils Eye-Popping Poster


With the 22nd edition of the FANT Bilbao Fantasy Film Festival so menacingly close, this year’s poster is a sight for sore eyes, embracing one of the Basque Country’s most time-honored sporting activities, hand-pelota. For those unfamiliar with this traditional pastime, essentially it’s played by hitting a hard linen ball with heavily taped up hands but, to emulate the festival’s penchant for all things grotesque, what better than adding a wrenched out eye to the mix?

Running May 6th through 13th, Bilbao’s FANT Festival is definitely worth a visit if you get the chance, serving up all manner of horror and fantasy delicacies year in, year out … and never disappoints.

Film-makers can rejoice as there’s still time to submit feature films for consideration (deadline March 15). Not only that, but this year the festival organizers are giving literally anyone and everyone a chance to get their creations on the big screen with the launch of a brand spanking new cellphone short film competition (sponsored by Movistar). To be in with a chance of winning, all you need to do is shoot something sinister on your cell that doesn’t run over the 10 minute mark. The deadline for phone submissions has just been extended until April 8 so there’s still plenty of time to get creative. All winning shorts will be played back to back at a special FANT screening with the audience deciding who takes home the 750 Euro prize winnings. And it doesn’t end there as the festival’s official jury will have their say and select their favourite which will bag a 1,500 Euro cash prize, no less.

As always, the festival will be handing out the customary awards, recognising Best Short Film (as chosen by judges and festivalgoers alike), Best Basque Short Film and Best Feature Film, as well as the FANTROBIA Award, each year bestowed upon a talented individual the programmers consider to have played a crucial role in the genre film industry in recent years.

So, with the festival just a couple of months away and promising a brutal blend of horror and fantasy, do yourself a favour and get over there if you can.

Game on “pelotaris”!

For further festival details head on over to the official website or Facebook page.

fant bilbao 22



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