Who Needs the Super Bowl When We’ve Got Blood Bowl!?!

Super Bowl XLIV takes place on Sunday, February 7th, but horror fans don’t need to wait a second longer for their own special brand of melee thanks to SouthPeak Interactive’s new game for the Xbox 360 and PC (with a PSP version coming later) — BLOOD BOWL!
With the unlikely forefather of American football and inspiration from the fantasy universe of Warhammer, Blood Bowl is an ultra-violent team sport. Assemble a team of Humans, Orcs, Wood Elves, Dwarves, Skaven, Lizardmen, Chaos, or Goblins; and enter the bloodiest arena ever!

For every great play, there’s an equally great fumble, missed interception, or player casualty. Blood Bowl brings the best of the original tabletop experience to your fingertips with incredible detail and vicious visuals. Players are tasked with managing their team’s players, inducements (bribing refs/apothecaries for healing/cheerleaders/etc.), handling the tactics on the field as well as keeping players in top physical form throughout the season. With full season modes and online matches, Blood Bowl offers players the chance to satiate their pigskin bloodlust.
“I have watched a lot of football games in my day, both live and on television,” said Aubrey Norris, Manager of Human-Orc Relations at SouthPeak. “I can safely say that Blood Bowl is the only one where I have seen a Goblin on a pogo-stick jump over the defensive line and bounce his way to a touchdown. I mean, really – where else are you going to see that?”
The game features are as follows:
Check out the trailer and a few screenshots below, and for more visit the SouthPeak Games website.
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