Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo Talk Unused Nightmare on Elm Street Remake Pitch

The filmmakers behind French horror hit Inside return this year with Leatherface, a prequel to the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Before they took a trip to Texas, Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo were once in talks to direct a remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street, and this week they’ve spilled the beans on their pitch.
We tip our hats to Bloody Disgusting for sharing this tasty little tidbit, which comes courtesy of a much larger interview they just conducted with Maury and Bustillo. Their unused pitch, in a nutshell, was to fuse Elm Street with The Goonies, and we kind of love the idea. It’s a ballsy one, to say the very least.
“Our idea of a good remake is to have a new vision on the same thematics,” the French filmmakers told Bloody Disgusting. “Here it was to really use the fact that Krueger is a child molester. So the idea was to have a twisted version of the ‘Goonies’ with a bunch of kids being stalked. We thought it would have been great for a remake to switch the teenagers of the original with real kids. Beside childhood is the moment in life when you are truly and deeply frightened by nightmares, when you’re not able to see the difference between reality and dreams…”
Of course, Maury and Bustillo never got a chance to make their Elm Street movie, and the rest is history.
Depressing, awful history.