J.J. Abrams Confirms Half-Life Movie Still in Development

While promoting 10 Cloverfield Lane, J.J. Abrams confirmed to IGN that the two film adaptations of Valve video games Portal and Half-Life, which he announced he was producing back in 2013, are still both in development.
When asked if he could provide a status update, Abrams replied “Not yet, but they’re in development. And we’ve got writers, and we’re working on both those stories. But nothing that would be an exciting update.”
So there you have it. We may not be seeing them for a while, but better late than never I suppose.
Since the release of the first installment back in 1998, the alien FPS series Half-Life has earned a reputation as one of the most highly acclaimed video game series out there. Fans have been begging Valve to make Half-Life 3 for over a decade now, but it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting it any time soon. Hell, at this rate, it looks like the film will be released long before the game even enters development.