Saw VII 3D Starts Filming Today

Today’s the day, folks! Saw VII begins principal photography with Kevin Greutert at its helm. This comes as a bit of a bittersweet pill. For one thing Saw fans should be thrilled as Kevin made Part VI one of the best of the series; however, the man’s heart was set on making Paranormal Activity 2 for Paramount. All in all, we’re sure he’ll still make the best movie possible. Just a shame he had to be douched into making it.
Greutert posted the following on the House of Jigsaw website:
“Well, team, it’s hard to believe, but I start rolling high res 3D video on this movie tomorrow morning,” he states on the House of Jigsaw forum. “It’s still an unreal fog to me (the experience, not the 3D video, although come to think of it… well, never mind that for now…), having one week to prep the most expensive SAW film of all. We’ve attempted a comprehensive rewrite on the script since I got here, but it’s tough: the sets are built, the traps are built, the storyline is set, and any major changes mean throwing out existing stuff, and it’s hard to find the time, money and will to do things a different way.
It has not been a picnic, but the crew is working hard, and I am as well. On those rare occasions when I can actually go to sleep, I see images like the World Trade Center collapsing in slow motion, plane crashes, drownings, other bad shit. It’s unhealthy for me, but hopefully the creepy scariness of my life right now is somehow translating into a vibe that will be good for the movie, if they’ll just give me a chance to put my stamp on it here and there. Very difficult indeed…
Thanks for hanging with me, everyone. And send some love to David Hackl, he could use it as much as me, if not more.”
Hackl was originally slated to direct the film until Lionsgate forced him out by exercising its return option in Greutert’s contract. In any event Saw VII 3D arrives in theaters October 22nd, once again battling it out with the Paranormal Activity franchise.

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