Latest Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Trailer and Dev Diary Even More Magnificent Than Anything We’ve Seen So Far
Ninja Theory’s Hellblade, now titled Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, is looking more and more extraordinary as development progresses. Remember that these are the guys who gave us games like Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, and the Devil May Cry reboot, which offered some of the richest cinematic experiences that gaming has to offer (and the fact that the DMC reboot let you punch Bill O’Reilly in the face made the game worth a purchase on its own), so expect their next offering to be just as magnificent.
This is the first game that they’re publishing in addition to developing, but even without the financial backing of a huge publisher, it still looks like a top quality AAA production.
Thanks to the PlayStation Blog, we’ve got both a new trailer showcasing Senua’s descent into hell and a new developer diary giving us a look at some of the impressive mo-cap work, which is automatically rendered into the game. Such is the power of Unreal Engine 4.
Say goodbye to your sanity when Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice hits PS4 and PC later this year.
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