Roger Corman Ready to Unleash His Sharktopus

In a move that no doubt has our own Foywonder writhing with anticipation, word came down on Twitter (a strangely viable source of news) today letting fans know that Roger Corman’s long rumored monster movie Sharktopus is that much closer to becoming a reality.
Karen O’Hara said via her Twitter account (follow @SyfyMovies): “Just got off the phone with the legendary Roger Corman who’s doing a new movie for us this year. Yes, it’s the long-rumored SHARKTOPUS!”, which was followed by “Spent half am [sic] hour discussing what a sharktopus should look like, how many mouths it should have and how it should kill. That’s my job!”
The possibilities here are endless, people! Think of the carnage! Think of the scantily clad swimmers who are about to encounter tentacle porn of the worst kind! Think of the hilarity! You have our attention yet again, Mr. Corman! Bring it on!

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