Calling All Fred Heads! Here’s Your Chance to Be a Part of Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy!

We are looking for those “uber fans” among you who have taken your love of all things Elm Street to the next level … and we would like you to send us your video testimonials and/or still photographs telling and showing us why you are the ultimate “Fred Head!”
We’re particularly interested in fans who have scoured every last corner of Springwood (and the Internet) in search of those rare, one-of-a-kind props and collectibles. We are also looking for “video diary” – style testimonials of the coolest, craziest and most devoted fans explaining their love of Freddy Krueger and A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Why are we putting out this call? We hope to devote a section of the documentary, and the bonus disc material, where you, the true fans of Freddy and Elm Street, get to tell us your personal tales and share your Freddy rarities.
We’re looking for the biggest, most die-hard Freddy fans who have created shrines to Freddy … inked their bodies in crazy Krueger ways … or, better yet, turned their passion for this enduring horror franchise into amazing original works of art.
At this time we are not looking for “fan films” or parodies that take us into the fictional or expanded universe of the Elm Street movies. We’re looking for TRUE stories from REAL fans around the world. We want to hear your personal experiences and memories of the first time you experienced the Elm Street series or discovered Freddy Krueger. Perhaps there is a fan whose life was touched or altered in a profound way as a result of his or her love of the series. We have no doubt those stories are out there … and we need YOU to help us find them!
While we can’t promise that every photo or video will be selected and shown in the final documentary, we do promise to review each and every submission!
If you (or the biggest “Fred Head” that you know!) would like to submit your personal videos or photographs for our consideration, please click here for official submission rules and requirements:
Thanks to all of you for your invaluable support and contributions to this project! We are thrilled to be a part of this show and invite you to join us on this amazing return to Elm Street!
2010 is poised to be the year of Freddy Krueger, and we invite you to join us and explore the world of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET like never before.
For more on this project check out the official Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy website, the official Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy Facebook page and the official Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy MySpace page.
To join in on the live fun as it happens, simply follow @ElmStreetLegacy on Twitter!
So grab your Hypnocil and remember…
Whatever you do…
Don’t… Fall … ASLEEP!!!
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