Todd and The Book of Pure Evil Presents The End of the End!

Fans of “Todd and the Book of Pure Evil,” rejoice! We finally have an update on the animated film Todd and The Book of Pure Evil: The End of the End. Read on for the latest, including a look at the teaser trailer.
Via the Todd and The Book of Pure Evil Facebook page:
Hey Shit Roosters, we’re back! And this time we’re back for good, whether you like it or not!! (Let’s hope you like it.)
First off – many many many apologies to all our loyal Toddies and especially our amazing Indiegogo supporters. Thank you for sticking with us. We know it has been frustrating but 2016 will be the Year of Pure Evil! (and that has nothing to do with Future President Trump.)
We’ll make this a TL;DR and sum it by saying “sorry it has taken so damn long”. We know it has taken an excruciating long time – there have literally been five cast & crew babies born during the making of this film so far. And they’re all going to university next year.
Here’s the gist – we raised some money from our gracious and inspiring fans. But it turns out we needed a bit more (aka a lot more) money. We got $124,000 from our super-successful Indiegogo campaign, but we needed more like $750,000 to make the most kick ass animated Todd movie. And it has taken about a year-and-a-half to find and secure that additional financing (so we can actually pay people to make this film.)
And that’s where the Government of Canada has stepped in, to save Todd & The Book of Pure Evil!! We’d like to thank Telefilm Canada for supporting a theatrical animated feature film about sex, drugs, teen angst and exploding body parts. It’s also about friendship, loyalty and teamwork. But mostly, it’s METAL AS FUCK.
We also have a theatrical distributor on board in Canada – Raven Banner Entertainment. Check them out – they must be insane to be involved in this. Or on drugs. In either case, they’re our kind of people.
Now we’re back on the path to get this film made, and here’s our promise to you:
1) We’ll have WEEKLY UPDATES (at a minimum), with pictures, storyboards, and clips. Something for everyone!
2) We’ll have RESPONSES TO YOUR QUESTIONS AND RANTS on Facebook and Twitter.
3) You’ll get to witness the film being PRODUCED, ANIMATED and FINISHED this year, in anticipation of our LAUNCH IN OCTOBER 2016!!
With our awesome (and also patient) animation partners at Smiley Guy Studios in Toronto, we are making a Todd & The Book of Pure Evil movie finale that picks up from our Season 2 cliffhanger, and drops you right into a new hilariously inappropriate adventure for The Gang of Pure Evil (written by the original writers and starring ALL the original cast!)
Your homework while we finish the film this year? Rewatch the series, get all nostalgic for the late 2011’s. Remember what life was like back then…before the iPhone 5? Before Gangham Style? Before KONY 2012? Yes, those were the good old days, and Todd and the Gang were a part of it.
And we PROMISE to update you WEEKLY, to give you pictures, Q&As, stories, and clips of what we’re about to unleash on the world. You’ll catch up with Todd, Jenny, Curtis, Hannah(?), Atticus, Jimmy and more as we finish and unleash “Todd & The Book of Pure Evil: The End of The End” this year!
Thanks for your patience. We truly appreciate it, and we can’t wait to share this new film with you later this year.
The Producers of Pure Evil