Official Trailer Sends Out a Dark Signal


With films like Dog Soldiers and The Descent under his belt, Neil Marshall is needless to say a filmmaker all of us horror fans should be keeping an eye on. Set for DVD and Digital HD release on May 30 over in the UK, Edward Evers-Swindell’s Dark Signal was executive produced by Marshall, and that’s enough to grab our attention.

Check out the trailer below!

The film stars Joanna Ignaczewska, Gareth David-Lloyd, and Siwan Morris.

Deep in the heart of the isolated Welsh valleys, an eerie hush spreads throughout the deserted wilds. Stranded and terrified, single mother Kate (Ignaczewska) finds herself entangled in an ill-thought-out plan: a midnight robbery about to take a dangerous turn. On lookout for her boyfriend, and left trembling in the middle of a secluded forest, she quickly realizes she is not alone. With her is the vengeful spirit of a murdered girlā€¦

Meanwhile, across the valley at a local radio station, Ben (Gareth David-Lloyd) and Laurie (Siwan Morris) are midway through their last ever radio show. With the arrival of medium Carla and filled with determination to go out with a bang, Laurie and Ben are about to get much more than they bargained for.

Patching together fragments of ghostly sounds, they begin to unravel the clues to a frightening crime before doing do the unthinkableā€¦ making contact with the dead.




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