Cook Up Some Disgustingly Tasty Horror Treats Courtesy of the Homicidal Homemaker

Does watching copious amounts of blood and gore being splashed across the screen ever make you hungry? If the answer is yes, then not only are you a complete freak who should probably be wearing a white jacket in a padded room, but you can also now literally cook up some delicious horror delicacies, as the website The Homicidal Homemaker launched a YouTube channel showing you how to make some mouth-watering gruesome snacks.
I’ve included one of the videos below; head over to the channel to see the rest.
Edible Entrails? Mmm-mmm. Gordon Ramsay can suck it! Literally.
“Where Home Economics Meets Horror!” Dubbed as the “macabre Martha Stewart,” horror hostess Kaci Hansen puts the “cleaver” in June Cleaver with deadly delectables, gruesome gourmet goodies, and more! Check back every other Wednesday for new episodes of The Homicidal Homemaker horror cooking show!
For more info visit the official Homicidal Homemaker website, “like” Homicidal Homemaker on Facebook, and follow Homicidal Homemaker on Twitter and on Instagram.