Exclusive: The Crazies Go Extremely Viral With Scarlet Omega

One of the most frightening things that is presented in both the original George A. Romero classic The Crazies and Breck Eisner’s re-envisioning of the tale hitting theatres on February 26th is that the events of both films are pretty plausible. The sad truth is that we are living in a time of N1H1 and other super-strains of influenza. There have been several times this very year that things seemed to be getting scary on a level that’s far too real to comprehend.
Get ready to be introduced to the nightmarish world and reality of Scarlet Omega.
The little town of Ogden Marsh is becoming progressively more unhinged as The Crazies gets set to open next week!
If you’ve been following the movie marketing, you know that if you click on the banner ad for Dakon/Pendrill Chemicals, you end up on the site of a chemical company that is seemingly an outstanding corporate citizen. But dig deeper – specifically, log in as:
Password: p@ssword
… and discover that the company is covering up the fact the facility isn’t as secure as it should be! In fact, they are under siege by a local activist, Kim Jonson from SaveOgdenMarsh.com, who is determined to expose their nefarious misdeeds.
This week the plot thickens as a new character emerges, Patrick Carney, who reveals the company’s actual agenda, codename: Scarlet Omega (check his emails to JBMartin). It appears that Operation Scarlet Omega is the government containment protocol for any major security breach at a chemical facility, run by the different wings of the United States Armed Forces. With a handful of truly horrific real-world instances as examples, this team is working around the clock to keep the current protocol threat level at a zero. Check out the surveillance videos, recent events (some of them have popped up on TheTruthAboutTrixie.com), and what to do at different levels of “Scarlet Omega Protocols.”
At the same time, over at SaveOgdenMarsh.com, local activist Kim Jonson appears to have fallen victim to a “crazy” cameraman. Will she live to warn others and recruit them to her cause?? Is her cause real or just fiction? Something tells us there’s a grain of truth…
Hit up the above link to learn more. In the interim we’ve been provided exclusively with some images and the first ever video of someone being affected by the virus at its most critical point. Click the images to see them in hi-res.
Look for more on The Crazies and Scarlet Omega soon.
Scarlet Omega – Trixie Virus Victim on Gurney
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