UPDATED: The Wolfman’s Rejected Score Surfaces

Here’s something interesting … one of the problems that The Wolfman faced on its way to the big screen was which music to use. Two artists were up for the task. Danny Elfman and former member of Tangerine Dream Paul Haslinger both cooked up some tunes, but in the end the decision was made to go with Elfman’s work. So how would the movie have sounded with Haslinger’s in place? Read on to find out!
UPDATE: Per Film Score Monthly record producer Ford A. Thaxton has confirmed with Haslinger this is NOT his music. Even so, it made for some interesting speculation.
Devin at CHUD pointed interested fans in the direction of where we could hear the rejected score over on (where else?) YouTube, and after listening, I’m glad the powers-that-be made the choices they did. While interesting for sure, it just doesn’t fit with the classic tone of the film. Listen below and let us know what you think!
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