Julia Starchild: Part 2!

Welcome back, kids!
Last week, I introduced you to Julia Starchild, sleaze cinema’s most notorious leading lady of science fiction. This week we’re back with the second chapter of her wild behind-the-scenes tale, falling in on our new regular posting day. From now on, all future episode of Julia Starchild will be posted on Mondays. (For those who might be wondering, I debuted this thing originally on a Wednesday because that was my mom’s birthday and the one-year anniversary mark of Retro 13. Superstitious much? Nawwww.) Anyway, I’ll keep my ramblings this week brief and to the point. For those you who might be entering the fray late, Julia Starchild was the subject of more than five low-budget exploitation films made in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1976, Julia Starchild 2 was released. You can read more about how this happened HERE:
Just click Julia’s name to jump there. It’s an epic tale. A serial novella in six parts that describes a shadow world of obsession, madness, drugs and death. That’s the movie business of the 1970s, kids. (Obviously this is PART 2 and if you haven’t read the first one, it would probably do you some good to recap.)
And no, none of these films ever truly existed in the real world.
But in my world they did.
Come and feel her . . . and see her too. PICTURED BELOW is the original one-sheet poster of Julia Starchild 2, which you can only get here!
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This poster is intended as FAN ART only and is designed to be shared, for free, for anyone who wants to own it for themselves. Download it, tell your friends, spread the galactic love! And CLICK HERE to jump to my website and read all about Julia!