Motion Picture Purgatory: The Booby Hatch


Back in 1976, from the minds of Rudy Ricci and John Russo, sprang forth The Booby Hatch. Come on Over! It’s Crazy & Sexy — You’ll Laugh Till It Hurts!!

In case the names don’t ring a bell, Russo and Ricci were both involved in Romero’s Night of the Living Dead as an actor and co-writer, respectively. They re-teamed for The Booby Hatch, which tells the tale of a scientific genius who invents equipment that tests the erotic levels of people. If nothing else, it should be worth a watch just to see a cameo by David Emge, who is best known as Flyboy from Dawn of the Dead.

“For boobs only!”

Rick Trembles' The Booby Hatch review!

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