The Something is Adrift in Space!

With the success of Zombieland everyone seems to be looking for the next box office terror-fest that knows how to tickle your funny bone before yanking it out of your body and clubbing you over your friggin’ scalp with it. And who better to write it than one of the writers from “Late Night With David Letterman?”
According to Variety Universal Pictures has preemptively acquired Rodney Rothman’s pitch The Something for mid-six figures.
The story, which the studio is keeping under wraps, is described as an ensemble comedy/horror hybrid set in deep space, similar in tone to Sony’s breakout hit Zombieland.. Now we don’t normally like comedy mixed in with our horror, but given the sometimes subversive comedic material found on Letterman, we have to say our curiosity is officially piqued.
So what’s one of the wackiest things we’ve ever seen captured on film in space? Bonus — You Are Officially THE SHITâ„¢ — points for anyone who can tell us what movie the image below came from. (And yes, Foy, we know that you know. You’re not allowed to play along, damnit!)

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