A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Horror of Our Love

As the old adage goes, good things come in small packages, so here at Dread Central we’re always on the lookout for standout short films that deliver the goods, and this weekend we found one: Elftwin Films’ “Horror of Our Love”, a romantic horror comedy that twists the normal love story back until it breaks!
Producer/director/actor Dave Reda (Bit Parts, review here) sent over a copy of “HOOL” for us to see, and while he wants to keep most of the details under wraps for a bit while he submits the combination short film/music video to most of the major genre film fests, he did provide us with a still along with a couple of behind-the-scenes photos. For more, including a video of outtakes, be sure to befriend Dave Reda on Facebook, and hit up the Elftwin Films website, too, while you’re at it.
“Horror of Our Love” was filmed in San Jose, California, using local crew and actors including Kate Melia as the Girl, Karl Schweitzer, Dan Wilson, Peter Redman, and Reda himself as Melia’s “horrifying” love interest. He opted to shoot in his hometown of San Jose rather than in the Los Angeles area, where he lives now, because of its natural beauty and the work ethic of his cast and crew. As he describes it, “These guys, being in a small town and not in LA, seemed a bit hungrier and fought alongside me hard, not against me, to make something special. It was great to come home and make a movie using locations I grew up in and I knew were going to work!”
Check out the pics by on-set photographer Dominic Wong below, and for a taste of the music utilized in the film, visit the band Ludo’s official site. And keep it here for more on “Horror of Our Love” as it comes.

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