10 Beach-Themed B-Movies for Your Summer Vacation


Surf II (1984)
Synopsis: Evil Nerd Menlo wants to get revenge on some surfers by selling a bad batch of soda called Buzz Cola, which turns people into mutant zombies. Directed by Randall Badat!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip8b0FU4mwU]

Computer Beach Party (1987)
Synopsis: Greedy locals are trying to turn some beach property into a tourist attraction, and a computer expert sets out to use his knowledge of computers — along with the help of several local “beach bunnies” — to stop them. Directed by Gary Troy!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2YmqY8tc_g]

Monster from Bikini Beach (2008)
Synopsis: The story of a primordial fiend that rises from the murky depths to quench its insatiable lust for bikini-clad beauties. One man dares suspect a truth too terrifying to believe, while a crooked cop tries to cash in on the score of a lifetime! Directed by Darin Wood!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JPgFvNms1s]

Sand Sharks (2012)
Synopsis: A ravenous prehistoric predator is released from underground by an earthquake to terrorize people on land. Directed by Mark Atkins and starring Corin Nemec and Brooke Hogan!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qEfO5iNicI]

The Sand (2015)
Synopsis: After an all-night graduation beach party, a group of hung-over twenty-somethings awake to a beating sun and a seemingly carnivorous beach that devours anything with a heartbeat that touches the sand. Directed by Isaac Gabaeff and starring Jamie Kennedy! (Remake of the 1980 cult classic Blood Beach).

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4EhbML94Jk]


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