AMC Considering Letting People Text During Films; We’re Considering Never Going There Again

There’s nothing more annoying then spending top dollar to watch a movie, only to be distracted by some idiots texting their friends who are sometimes just two seats down. And it’s not just kids. Older folks are just as thumb-happy, and they can be even worse because they’re far slower than the average ADD addict who’s typing away as if the world revolves around him or her.
According to an article in Variety, in a bid to attract younger, smartphone-savvy consumers, AMC Entertainment head Adam Aron said he was open to making some theaters texting and mobile device-friendly.
“When you tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone, don’t ruin the movie, they hear please cut off your left arm above the elbow,” says Aron. “You can’t tell a 22-year-old to turn off their cellphone. That’s not how they live their life.” Um… yes, you can. It’s called being considerate and using your brain.
Aron continues, “At the same time, though, we’re going to have to figure out a way to do it that doesn’t disturb today’s audiences. There’s a reason there are ads up there saying turn off your phone, because today’s moviegoer doesn’t want somebody sitting next to them texting or having their phone on.”
Yeah, how about just enforcing the rule not to text? Is it so hard? Must you bend the common courtesy rule just to cater to some thoughtless, selfish idiots? Or… if you must target these morons and make your theater friendly to them, how about you lower the ticket prices for people who have to put up with them?
I will say this… speaking purely for myself, I will NEVER patronize any theater that employs the text-friendly rule. I’m not shelling out $20.00 per ticket to sit in the dark with a moron with what amounts to a rectangular neon light in their hands so they can make sure that their friend’s FOMO is quelled. I mean, OMG! WTF!!! 111????!!!
Feel the same way I do? Drop AMC a line and let them know and tweet them at @amctheatres.