Go Behind the Scenes of Midnight Syndicate’s Dark Legacy Music Video

2010 Marks horror music group Midnight Syndicate’s 13th anniversary, and among the other festivities they have planned (i.e., releasing The Dead Matter movie, a soundtrack CD, and their brand new website), band members Edward Douglas and Gavin Goszka are filming their very first music video for the song “Dark Legacy”.
Ed Douglas recently dropped a line to let us know he’s posted some pictures from the shoot on the Midnight Syndicate Facebook page, and he also provided an exclusive photo for Dread Central’s readers, which you’ll see below.
He told us, “We’ll release this thing in early April after our debut in St. Louis, and I think folks are going to dig it! [Director] Dave [Greathouse] is REALLY good; he’s come up with some cool — and creepy — stuff! It’s kind of wild this was the first time Gavin and I have taken the stage together as Midnight Syndicate in our entire 13 years.”

The video was shot over two days (March 6-7, 2010) on a combination of Digital and Super 8mm film at the old Phantasy Theatre in Lakewood, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. The building has a long history of hauntings reaching back into its early years, which made it the perfect location for the shoot. Midnight Syndicate also has a history with the Phantasy as it has hosted all of Midnight Syndicate’s local CD release parties in the adjacent Phantasy and Chamber Night Clubs.
On hand with director David Greathouse were the incredibly talented artists at Precinct 13 Entertainment/Robert Kurtzman’s Creature Corps assisted by Screamline Studios and a talented group of haunted house actors from the region. Also making appearances in the video were fellow Cleveland music legends “Schmotz” and Jeff Hatrix of Mushroomhead. Members of the Mushroomhead stage crew were also on hand to orchestrate the grand finale of the video.
For more details and info visit the official Midnight Syndicate site.
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