Terrifying Look at Doll Making Will Leave You Screaming

Dolls. They’re just wicked, terrifying looking things. Especially in mass quantities. Them and their cold dead eyes. Recently Mashable put together a piece on the craft of doll making during the ’30s through the ’50s. Nightmare fuel, I tell you.
Are you afraid of dolls? No? Clowns? Clown dolls? Feed us your phobias in the comments section below.

1947: Dolls’ heads in the doll factory waiting to dry. Original Publication: Picture Post – 4292 – Dolls Factory – unpub. (Photo by Merlyn Severn/Picture Post/Getty Images)

FRANCE – JANUARY 01: Paris. Doll Factory. Preparing For Christmas (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)

28th January 1949: A worker trims the eyelashes on a pair of doll’s eyes at a factory in Totton, Southampton, which specialises in the manufacture of doll parts. (Photo by William Vanderson/Fox Photos/Getty Images)

In the factory of Cascelloid Limited, Leicester, the limbs of the famous Patsy doll are hanging up to dry, 15th December 1951. Original Publication : Picture Post – 5617 – Toys Are Big Business – pub. 1951 (Photo by Kurt Hutton/Picture Post/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

circa 1955: A variety of dolls are run over by toy testers at the Ideal Toy Company. A doll is expected to survive the kind of automobile accident that a human probably would not. (Photo by Orlando /Three Lions/Getty Images)

TURIN, ITALIE – NON DATE: Peintre preparant le visage d’une poupee a l’aerographe dans une fabrique de poupees, a Turin, Italie. (Photo by Keystone-FranceGamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

The row of dolls heads in a factory in Germany circa 1950. (Photo by FPG/Getty Images)

NON SPECIFIE – NON DATE: Ensemble de corps de poupées encore nus dans une fabrique de poupées. (Photo by Keystone-FranceGamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

15th December 1951: Parts of a doll in an injection mould at Cascelloid’s factory at Leicester. Original Publication: Picture Post – 5617 – Toys Are Big Business – pub. 1951 (Photo by Kurt Hutton/Picture Post/Getty Images)

circa 1955: A young boy and girl inspecting dolls’ heads at the Ideal Toy Company in Jamaica, Long Island, USA. The company is one of the largest toy manufacturers in the world. (Photo by Orlando /Three Lions/Getty Images)