Motion Picture Purgatory: Blank Generation


1980 was an amazing time of ups and downs. Jimmy Carter was President, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back was released, John Bonham of Led Zeppelin died of alcohol poisoning, comedian Richard Pryor was badly burned trying to freebase cocaine, and Ulli Lommel’s Blank Generation was unleashed on an unsuspecting populace.

Yes, that Ulli Lommel. Some 30 years ago he was honing his craft on Blank Generation, the story of Nada (Carole Bouquet), a beautiful French journalist on assignment in New York, who records the life and work of an up-and-coming punk rock star, Billy (portrayed by legendary punk pioneer Richard Hell). Soon she enters into a volatile relationship with him and must decide whether to continue with it or return to her lover, a fellow journalist trying to track down the elusive Andy Warhol.

Here’s a look at Blank Generation as it can only be interpreted by Trembles:

Wet Blanket Generator!

Rick Trembles' Blank Generator review!

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