Shadow of the Beast Reboot Will Include the Original Game as a Bonus Feature

The upcoming Shadow of the Beast reboot will include the original 1989 Commodore Amiga game as a bonus feature, as stated in a post over on the PlayStation Blog. This is wonderful news not only for diehard retro game fans (as the years go by, all the classics of the past are becoming increasingly hard to find) but also for fans of the series who never had a chance to experience the game that started it all.
Like many retro games, Shadow of the Beast was notoriously difficult, which is why they’ve added a new infinite lives mode in addition to some other features to make it a less punishing experience for players. The original soundtrack by David Whittaker and the beautiful box art by artist Roger Dean (look at it below, and please try not to drool all over your computer) will also be included as digital bonus features in the reboot.
Thank you, Heavy Spectrum, for keeping the past alive. Now we’ll be able to play their reimagining of Shadow of the Beast along with the original when it hits PS4 on 17 May 2016.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News