Juliet Landau to Present Yummy Meat: A Halloween Carol at Whedonopolis 2016

Listen up, kids! Whedonopolis 2016 is a Whedonverse convention, designed by fans for fans, with the aim of harnessing the power of fandom to raise money for charities while creating a fun, interactive environment for attendees.
When: May 13-15, 2016
Where: Airtel Plaza Hotel, 7277 Valjean Avenue, Van Nuys, CA
Guests of Honor: Juliet Landau and Marc Zicree
Other Guests include: Miracle Laurie (“Dollhouse”); Todd McIntosh (“BtVS” Makeup Supervisor); “Buffy” players Doug Jones, Camden Toy, Andrew Ferchland, Harry Groener, Rudolph Martin; Keith Szarabajka (Holtz on “Angel”); Sam Anderson (Holland Manners on “Angel”); Julia Lee (Anne Steele on “Buffy” and “Angel”); and more.
Convention programming includes signings, panels, vendors, screenings, a prom dance party at The Bronze, and much more. Even cooler, one of our favorite short films will be playing there on Sunday, May 15, at 2:00pm… Yummy Meat: A Halloween Carol! It’s presented by Juliet Landau with a following Q&A moderated by her with guests Sean Decker (writer and co-producer), Brian Chandler (producer/editor), Jessica Chandler (producer/VFX), and star Miracle Laurie.
“I selected YUMMY MEAT to screen at Whedoncon because I think the fans will love it,” says Landau. “Sean Decker wrote such an amazing, suspenseful, scary film! It is directed and acted beautifully by John Fitzpatrick and Miracle Laurie. I will be moderating a panel at 2:00 pm on Sunday, the 15th, where the short film will screen; and then I will chat with Miracle, Sean, Brian, and Jessica as well as take questions from attendees.”
“Marsia Powers of Whedonopolis/Fandom Charities has created Whedoncon for fans of all things Joss Whedon. The money raised will go to two charities: Sophie Lancaster Foundation, which is a charity I support, and Pop Culture Hero Coalition. Both are anti-bullying organizations. They will also be having a baby item drive for the San Fernando chapter of Newborns in Need.”
Landau continues, “Sophie’s mum, Sylvia Lancaster, is an inspiration. She founded the organization as a legacy to her daughter, with the aim of providing education about prejudice and intolerance by going into schools, youth groups, and prisons. The horror of what happened to Sophie and Rob Maltby cannot be quantified. It seems unfathomable to me that people can be this evil, hateful, ugly, and violent. I’m moved beyond words by Sophie’s spirit and loving nature. People’s creativity and individuality is a thing to celebrate and nurture, not to destroy.”
“As a huge ‘Buffy’ fan, I’m thrilled and honored to have Juliet select our short,” says Decker. “Partly inspired by the ‘BtVS’ Season 2 episode ‘Halloween,’ I’m excited to share Yummy Meat with ‘Buffy’ fans, and I’m also just blown away that Juliet will be hosting the panel. In addition to being a friend and a simply amazing human, she’s like, Dru. Geek overload here.”