Fan Combines Freddy Glove and Phantasm Sphere into Ultimate Horror Weapon

Every horror icon has a weapon that they call their own, and two of the most creative in the genre’s history were wielded by A Nightmare on Elm Street‘s Freddy Krueger and Phantasm‘s so-called Tall Man. Freddy, of course, wears a special glove outfitted with razor-sharp claws, while the Tall Man throws around a deadly sphere that drills directly into your head.
Not a pleasant way to go, no matter which one you meet in a dark alley.
Fans have for years been building their own prop replicas of both weapons, often staying true to the designs seen in the movies. A quick Google search will turn up fan-made Freddy gloves based on each and every installment in the franchise – yes, even that awful remake – and there are also no shortage of Phantasm spheres out there on the net. Because horror fans, well, they’re as creative as they are awesome – and they’re pretty goddamn awesome.
Presumably unable to choose which of the two weapons is his favorite, one of those creative fans recently decided to go ahead and fuse them together into one, creating what I can only describe as the ultimate horror movie weapon. Yes, it’s a Freddy glove inspired by the Tall Man’s balls spheres, and it may very well be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.
Behold: your new favorite killing device.
This was created by Mark Phillips of Nightmares Unlimited.