Watch People Being Terrified by New VR Zombie Shooter The Brookhaven Experiment

You may remember that a little while ago we bought you news of the awesome looking VR zombie game The Brookhaven Experiment, and now it appears it’s become something of a viral sensation. More specifically, videos of people playing it and having the shit scared out of them have become a viral sensation.
Have a look below, and do your best not to laugh.
Prepare for The Brookhaven Experiment to scare the shit out of you when it arrives on Steam on 22 June.
Brookhaven is a VR survival shooter for the HTC Vive. Players will have to use the weapons and tools provided to survive ever more terrifying waves of horrific monsters in an attempt to figure out what caused the beginning of the end of the world and, if they’re strong enough, stop it from happening.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News