Total War: Warhammer Sales Already Hit 500,000

Despite only being in release for several days, Total War: Warhammer has already hit sales of over 500,000. Over half a million in less than a week. This makes it the fastest-selling Total War title in history, and it’s a safe bet that it will soon become the best-selling Warhammer game of all time.
The fact that the critics adored it is the icing on the cake.
This is all the more remarkable considering that the Warhammer franchise has taken a hit in popularity as of late. The current yearly revenue of Games Workshop products is estimated at a modest $200 million, and the number of Games Workshop stores throughout its native UK has been rapidly declining over the past several years. When I was a kid, there seemed to be one in every town, but now they seem to be going the way of the dodo. At least the digital future of the franchise is very much alive.
Publisher Sega and developer Creative Assembly had clearly anticipated this success, as the game was unveiled with the announcement that it would be the first in a trilogy, and production on the next installments now seems like it will be a top priority for both of them. And although it’s not yet been confirmed, a console release also now seems inevitable.
If you haven’t yet played Total War: Warhammer, then what the hell are you waiting for? Get onto Steam and buy that shit! The Old World ain’t gonna conquer itself.
Since the critically acclaimed launch of Total War: WARHAMMER on May 24th, Creative Assembly’s colossal, fantasy strategy game has gone on to break franchise records during its first week on-sale.
Fans flocked to the battlefields of the Old World when the game launched, and it has since racked up more than half a million sales in the first few days, setting a franchise record for the fastest selling Total War title on Steam.
“Total War: Warhammer has already proven itself as a runaway commercial success, and more importantly we know our players are really enjoying the game,” said Studio Director, Tim Heaton. “We have been regularly topping 100k concurrent players.”
He went on to add, “The team paid particular attention to stability and performance throughout the game’s development and thoroughly enjoyed creating new ways to play Total War within Games Workshop’s stunning Warhammer Fantasy world. We’re very proud of it, and it’s wonderful to see the game receiving such a great reception from critics, Total War veterans, and new players alike.”
If you need any more convincing, check out Ted’s review here on the site.
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