Eli Roth on Clown – Exclusive Video Interview

Clown isn’t directed by Eli Roth, but when the short film of it was posted online, director Jon Watts used the pseudonym “Eli Roth” – needless to say, that sure got Roth’s attention! Luckily, he was flattered, loved the short, and agreed to help get it made into a feature.
The movie is coming out this month, and it’s getting a lot of buzz. It’s different from what you might think, given the title.
In this interview Roth talks about how Clown is more like a Grimms’ fairy tale or a throwback to The Fly than a modern-day slasher. He also tell us about a birthday he had as a kid – the entertainer was a chainsaw-wielding character called Marky the Magic Clown.
Clown Release Details:
Dimension Films and Anchor Bay Entertainment are proud to present the theatrical and On Demand release of the Eli Roth (Knock Knock, Hostel franchise) produced horror/thriller CLOWN. Directed by Jon Watts, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Christopher Ford, the film stars Peter Stormare (Fargo), Laura Allen (TV’s “All My Children,” “The 4400”) and Elizabeth Whitmere (The Last Hitman).
A unique, frightening and disturbing take on evil clowns, Dimension Films will distribute CLOWN in theaters on June 17, 2016, and simultaneously On Demand.
CLOWN is a story of a loving father who dons a clown outfit and makeup to perform at his son’s sixth birthday, only to later discover that the costume – red nose and wig included– will not come off and his own personality changes in a horrific fashion. To break the curse of the evil outfit, the father must make grim choices with his own family facing danger.