44 Amazing Works of Art Inspired by Freddy Krueger

Since the new Nightmare on Elm Street is hitting the screen soon, I thought I would do something a little different for you guys. I spent a few hours digging up some images inspired by our favorite dream demon.
I don’t post often. Keeping this place running smoothly and developing new bells and whistles for you guys takes up all my time. When I’m not working on the site, I spend a lot of my time browsing art and design sites on “teh interwebs.”
Many sites that I frequent will do themed round-ups of various artists’ work, which I find to be an awesome way to see something new and fresh.
The images are in no particular order, though I certainly have my favorites, and in no way am I saying this is the definitive list of Freddy-esque artwork. I did, however, try to find a good variety of styles for your enjoyment. I didn’t want to just post a bunch of comic book covers and redrawn promotional materials that we have all seen a thousand times. Hopefully there’s something new here that catches your eye.
HelverAsbeth on DeviantArt.com
MalevolentNate on DeviantArt.com
Oswald–Cobblepot on DeviantArt.com
sullen-skrewt on DeviantArt.com
TheNightmareDragon on DeviantArt.com
thedarkcloak on DeviantArt.com
channandeller on DeviantArt.com
Monkey-Cosio on DeviantArt.com
PhillioM2396 on DeviantArt.com
MalevolentNate on DeviantArt.com
chaosartifex on DeviantArt.com
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