E3 2016: Dead Rising 4 Brings Holiday Cheer to Mass Zombie Slaughter

When Dead Rising 3 was announced, it drew a lot of flack for being too serious. At the time a lot of titles were taking a dark and gritty turn, and people were rightfully concerned that Dead Rising 3 with its airstrikes and darker palette was getting “COD-ified” (made more like Call of Duty).
I’m honestly on the fence about the final product since, while still goofy in play, the story tone felt inconsistent. Well, we certainly have nothing to worry about this time with Dead Rising 4. Check it out:
That’s right, baby… Frank West is back, and he’s going full silly mode. Zombie launchers, vomiting fire triceratops heads, candy cane crossbows, and all manner of bludgeoning, shooting, frying, zapping, and plowing are on display in gloriously gory fun. There isn’t a lot of other information out at the time, but I’m hoping for co-op play and PC optimization. I’m looking at you, Quantum Break.
So, are you excited for Dead Rising 4? Happy for the return to a sillier tone? Let us know below!
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