Artsploitation Films Moves Counter Clockwise

More distro news has come our way as Artsploitation Films has announced that they’ve acquired the new flick Counter Clockwise. Read on for the skinny!
From the Press Release:
Currently enjoying an extensive festival run (and recent winner of “Best Science Fiction Film” at both the Eugene International and Action on Film Festivals), Counter Clockwise, a hyperventilating blend of science fiction, horror, and dark comedy directed by Atlanta-native George Moïse, has been acquired by Artsploitation Films.
A scientist, while working on inventing teleportation, instead accidentally invents time travel and zaps himself 6 months into the future. But that future is a sinister, confusing, and violent one as he finds himself being chased by gun-toting hitmen as well as being the prime suspect in the murders of his wife and sister. He attempts to change history and save his loved ones by traveling back in time to uncover the mysteries.
The film, which stars Michael Kopelow, Devon Ogden, and Kerry Knuppe, is set for DVD and VOD release October 4, 2016.
Artsploitation president Ray Murray said, “Totally inventive, fun, and complex. I immediately watched it a second time just to fully understand all the wild happenings! We do not release many American-made films, but this film marks an acquisitions exception. We hope audiences will enjoy and be confounded as much as I was. We release a lot of difficult and challenging titles, but with Counter Clockwise, we have an entertaining, fast-paced sci-fi murder/mystery treat.”