First Look: City of the Dream Demons

The second feature from director Johnny Dickie (Slaughter Tales), entitled City of the Dream Demons, is on its way to DVD, VOD, and VHS(!); and it features artwork by Stephen Romano (Retro 13, Shock Festival, Eibon Press). We have a look at it right here for you along with more details.
The flick will be released by the end of this month via New Wave Independent Pictures/Retrosploitation. Special features are to be announced.
Johnny Dickie, Joey Davalos, Jack Mulvanerty, Anthony Edward Curry, Joe Ankenbrand, and Molly Russakoff star.
Tommy has been suffering from bad dreams as far back as he can remember. He could never sleep more than eight hours without waking up screaming. Now, on his sixteenth birthday, he’s ready to party! That doesn’t sit well with the five bloodthirsty dream demons who are ready to paint the streets in blood, bile, and slime.
Will Tommy and his punker friends survive the birthday bash? Or will they become more cattle for the world’s largest human slaughterhouse, the City of the Dream Demons?