Gorge on the Official Blood Feast Remake Trailer

We’ve been holding out hope that Marcel Walz’s Blood Feast remake will live up to its splatter classic roots, and if the trailer that arrived today is any indication, it’s definitely on the right path. Best of all is the chance to see The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 alum Caroline Williams back in action.
Just a word of caution… eating before watching could be a big mistake.
Along with Williams, Walz’s remake of the 1963 classic from Herschell Gordon Lewis stars Robert Rusler, Sophie Monk, and Sadie Katz. Ryan Nicholson heads up the makeup department, which obviously got quite a workout.
Fuad Ramses (Rusler) and his family have moved from the United States to France, where they run an American diner. Since business is not going too well, Fuad also works night shifts in a museum of ancient Egyptian culture. During these long, lonely nights he is repeatedly drawn to a statue representing the seductive ancient goddess Ishtar (Katz). He becomes more and more allured by the goddess as she speaks to him in visions. Eventually he succumbs to her deadly charms.
After this pivotal night, Fuad begins a new life, in which murder and cannibalism become his daily bread. He starts to prepare a ritual feast to honor his new mistress, a lavish affair dripping with blood, organs, and intestines of human victims. As butchered bodies are heaped upon the Altar of Ishtar, Fuad slowly slips further into madness until he is no more than the goddess’ puppet; and she thirsts for the blood of Fuad’s wife and daughter too…