Selma Blair and Nicolas Cage Will Be Your Mom and Dad

We will never not be excited about Nicolas Cage starring in a horror film, and when we learned earlier this year that he’ll be playing a batshit crazy father in Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance director Brian Taylor’s Mom and Dad, well, it instantly jumped near the top of our WANT NOW list. More casting news awaits!
Per The Tracking Board, Selma Blair has joined Cage in Mom and Dad, which was penned and will be directed by Taylor. In the film, a teenage girl and her little brother must survive a wild 24 hours during which a mass hysteria of unknown origins causes parents to turn violently on their own kids.
And yes, Blair and Cage are totally playing the titular Mom and Dad.
Tim Zajaros and Christopher Lemole are producing through their Armory Films. Jere Hausfater is executive producing through Aldamisa International, with Cassian Elwes joining partners Zajaros and Lemole as an executive producer with Zeal Media Co.
XYZ Films will distribute the film, with production expected to begin in July.