Horror Fans Unite: Bill “Chilly Billy” Cardille Needs Some Love!

Bill “Chilly Billy” Cardille is a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, television staple. Throughout the decades Cardille has hosted everything from wrestling to the famed “Chiller Theater,” which aired from 1963 until its cancellation in 1983. He’s also appeared in one of our most beloved films of all time, 1968’s Night of the Living Dead, in which he played the on-the-scene reporter.
His daughter, Lori, went on to star in Romero’s sequel Day of the Dead as Sarah. Recently Cardille took to Facebook with some sad news that YOU can really help with for just the cost of a postage stamp. Whether you remember him from TV or are just a fan of NOTLD who wants to say thank you and send some love, we deeply encourage you to do so! Here’s her post:
My dear father, Chilly Billy, Bill Cardille, received a cancer diagnosis that will be quite challenging to say the least. His spirits are tremendous which is not a surprise. I thought it would be nice for dad to know how you enjoyed him during your childhood years or any years for that matter. I want him to feel the love that he so freely gave during his lifetime. Even just a card. You can send it to:
Chilly Billy
c/o Century Communications
313 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Thank you friends. It will mean so much to dad. Please send this along to anyone you know that loved my dad. With a grateful heart,
Lori Cardille