RiffTrax Live vs. Mothra in Theaters this August


If you were amongst those lucky enough to attend Tuesday night’s delightful RiffTrax Live “Mystery Science Theater 3000” reunion, then you heard the news that RiffTrax will be returning to theaters around the country this August to battle Japan’s favorite giant insect, Mothra.

Attendees of the MST3K reunion even got a taste of things to come with a brief clip of Mothra using her mighty wings to send toy cars and cardboard cities flying as she destroyed Tokyo while RiffTraxers Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett commented on the mighty moth’s unexplained hatred of Hot Wheels.

Fathom Events will present RiffTrax Live: Mothra in theaters August 18th at 8/7 Central. Tickets go on sale soon.

About RiffTrax Live: Mothra:
Fathom Events and RiffTrax are partnering to present RiffTrax Live: Mothra. Join Kevin, Bill, and Mike as they roast one of the most beloved (and bizarre!) Japanese monster classics, 1961’s Mothra. It tells the story of a group of explorers who travel to a remote island and kidnap two tiny women, thereby inciting the wrath of a giant larva which then swims the ocean, cocoons itself in downtown Tokyo, emerges as the titular Mothra, and destroys everything in its path. Yes, it’s a tale as old as time, but Mothra does it best!


