BrinkVision Releasing Lake Nowhere in August; See the New Artwork!

It’s been almost nine months since we’ve heard anything about the retro slasher Lake Nowhere, but now that BrinkVision has snapped up the film’s distro rights, we have new artwork and more info for you.
From the Press Release:
LAKE NOWHERE, an 80s-style slasher horror film, has unveiled a brand new, hand-painted poster to the celebrate its August 16th release on Blu-ray, DVD, and VOD. BrinkVision recently acquired the U.S. distribution rights to the film and plans to deliver a Limited Edition Blu-ray/DVD combo jam-packed with special features, including a half-hour behind-the-scenes featurette documenting the skeleton crew’s six fateful days on location at a remote lakeside cabin.
Fresh off its festival run, LAKE NOWHERE has been lauded for its authentic recreation of the look and feel of a long lost bootleg tape. Preceded by original trailers and commercials, the film resurrects the thrill of gory midnight movies for an hour-long plunge into the depths of horror. LAKE NOWHERE traces the familiar tale of a group of friends who arrive at a desolate lakeside cabin only to be stalked and murdered by a “masked maniac.” This age-old tale of senseless slaughter quickly spirals into the realm of supernatural horror and classic monster movies, as we learn the true power that lies within LAKE NOWHERE.
The film stars Laura Hajek, Wray Villanova, Nathan Andrew Wright, Oscar Allen, Melody Kology, Paul Gagnon, Charles Gaskins, and Matthew Howk as the “Masked Maniac.”
The Limited Edition Blu-ray/DVD combo will include the abovementioned behind-the-scenes featurette along with a writer/director commentary, actors’ commentary, and several previously unreleased teaser trailers for HARVEST MAN, one of the trailers which precedes the film.
The film was directed by Christopher Phelps and Maxim Van Scoy and produced by R. S. Fitzgerald and Rose Sambrato in association with Ursidae Parade and The Ravacon Collective with additional film and VHS processing by Muckraker Productions. Cover art by Rain Delmar.