A Decade of Dread Central – Our Ten(!)-Year Anniversary

As I sit here typing this, I can still remember the first day Dread Central launched. It was July 4, 2006, when we declared our independence; and this weekend we celebrate our 10th anniversary. A decade of Dread. In website years that makes us older than dirt. Hell, few companies (I think it’s like 4%) ever make it this long; and that’s a testament to the love that’s gone into this site and the support you guys have given us.
To be perfectly honest with you, we now live in a world where “Likes” and “Shares” dictate your relevance. Times have changed for the better and also the worse. We still soldier on though… like a cockroach that won’t go away. We can’t. Somebody has to be here to keep you screaming, and we pride ourselves on that. There have been more downs than there have been ups, that’s for sure, but it isn’t about that. It’s about how many times you can keep getting up. Keep fighting for what you love.
We’ve celebrated many a milestone. We’ve released two movies with Ruthless Pictures, Zombieworld and Monsterland, that were meant to showcase the indie spirit we so believe in. Some of the filmmakers involved in those projects have gone on to make feature films, and if you ask me, that’s one of our greatest successes.
Many of our staff, like Andrew Kasch and Buz Wallick, have gone on to blossoming careers within the film industry. We now have our own radio show with Brainwaves (Tim, thank you for giving us a playground on DeepTalkRadio). A line of badass T-shirts with Rotten Cotton (Shawn, it’s an honor to have you printing our stuff) and even our own subscription service with Box of Dread. We can always use your support to keep the lights on so if you can, buy a shirt! Subscribe for a box of mystery horror goodies to be delivered to your door! Everything we do is done by us. We have no parent company… we even sell our own ads. Hell, Jon Condit, our co-founder, packs every Box of Dread himself. We’re that indie!
Dread Central on Facebook, Dread Central on Twitter, and Dread Central on YouTube are still exploding with new “Likes” and “Shares” (remember those things?) so please take a moment to visit them and give us a “thumbs up!” Every little bit of support – no matter how trivial – really helps us to keep going for you.
As for myself and my partners in DC, Jon Condit and KW Low, our unconditional gratitude goes out to John Squires, Andrew Kasch, Buz Wallick, the Foywonder, Mr. Dark, Joe Knetter, Scott Hallam, Gareth Jones, Matt Fini, Sean Decker, Brad McHargue, Drew Tinnin, Paul Nicholasi, Heather Buckley, Mike Phalin, Staci Layne Wilson, Anthony Arrigo, Matt Molgaard, Todd Rigney, Vanessa Gomez, John Campopiano, Kyle Scharf, Matt Boiselle, Crix Lee, Trisha Chambers, Ted Hentschke, Todd Rigney, April Marie, Sean Brickley, David Gelmini, Andy Lalino, Ari Drew, Howard Gorman, Jeff Kirschner, Kieran Fisher, Cody Thrasher, Stephen Romano, Joshua Macmillan, Shane Churchman, Chase Will, Andrea Monier, Jesse Baget, and everyone else who either has been or has just started contributing to our little asylum. We’re lucky to have each and every one of you.
Also, a huge thank you to those who helped us along the way but have gone on to other things… Johnny Butane, Ryan Turek, Alex DiVincenzo, Ryan Acheson, Sean Clark, Don Kaye, Morgan Elektra, Jinx, Melissa Bostaph, Thom Carnell, Scott A. Johnson, Brian Smith, Heather Wixson, Emilie Black, Jess King, and all the others whose words and work have graced the site.
As always, my personal thanks go to Jon Condit, KW Low, and Debi Moore. Things have gotten tough at times, but together we’ve always managed to weather the storm. You three have been continuously saving my life for years, and I would be ZERO without you. Especially Debi. Someone’s gonna erect a statue of her one day for her saint-like service of putting up with me every day. I love you guys more than words could ever fully express.
Then there are our readers, both old and new. We’re proud to have you as our peers. Thanks for making the DC community one of the best and friendliest places online. And if you’re reading this and you haven’t jumped in, fucking do so already! I know you’re there! I can see you online!
Here’s to another year, kids! Thank you.